May 1, 2010 - admin
Volume 36, Issue 3: The Glocal Crisis and the Politics of Change
The term ‘glocal’ seems to have originated in business circles, often attributed to the Japanese business practice of expanding global enterprise by focusing on local conditions. Of late it also comes to mean how local actors can organize activities in the locality to counter the effects of globalization on economic and social vitality. Some may worry that glocalization runs the risk of generalizing the global into the local to defuse local cultural differences, and indeed the increased migration flows between more and less developed countries, the ever expanding internationalization and standardization of consumption, and the uniformity of cultural symbols that threatens local variation and undermines the intergeneration transmission of social practices and norms are a threat. That is, as global capital tries to appropriate local differences in the quest for sales the consequence is a bleeding and blending of those differences into international products…
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